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The Success of Your Ecommerce Web Design Depends

by:Mayer     2020-06-14
When it comes to ecommerce website, pricing is not the only factor that web users consider before buying a product. They look at the collection of products, usability, payment process and trust symbols to take a buying decision. If you are developing your ecommerce website, you must pay attention to ecommerce web design. Here are some of the things you should follow to make your ecommerce website successful. Design a Beautiful and Clean Layout- When you shop online, what is the first quality you notice in a website? It must be the website layout. People tend to trust a website easily when they see a clean and visually appealing layout. You should design a beautiful layout to establish your brand value and attract your target customers. Select a Trustworthy Ecommerce Solution Provider- When you search for shopping cart solution, you get hundreds of result and everyone claims that they provide the most effective solution. However, you must check carefully before buying any shopping cart solution. Make sure that the security systems are absolutely top class and the invoicing process is simple. Your potential customers won't buy any product from your site, if they are not 100% assured about the security of your payment gateway. Speed is crucial- Nobody wants to spend hours just to find one product and therefore, you must offer a smooth navigation system to your visitors. Create proper category and sub category of products to help your customers find the products they are looking for. You should also embed a search tool in your site and give your customers instant access to their favorite items. Design a Large Call-to-Action Button- The main goal of an ecommerce website is to sell products and therefore, you must design a large 'buy now' or 'add to shopping cart' button using bright colors and large fonts to grab the viewers' attention. Place the call-to-action button beside every product in your store. Use Eye Soothing Colors- Colors emotionally communicate with the viewers. You should use nice and eye soothing colors in your website to win the customers' trust. For instance, you can use blue in your website background and green color to announce discounts. Blue establishes your professional image and green easily grabs attention. Advertise Related Products- When a customer buys something, you can show him related items to increase your sales figures. This is an intelligent style of advertising without hampering user experience. For instance, if a customer is buying a laptop, you can show him external hard disc, antivirus etc. Show Breadcrumbs- Breadcrumbs help your visitor understand his location in your website. When a user goes deeper into your site, he can easily go back to the previous pages using the breadcrumbs. Here is an example of breadcrumbs in an ecommerce website- Home>Books>History & Politics. Small Form- You must keep the sign up and shipping form simple and short. Give only mandatory fields in your forms and help the customers during the form fill up process. For instance, if a user forgets to enter his email address, show him an error message like, 'enter email address', so that the user can immediately understand his mistake. Highlight Your Pricing- For successful ecommerce website design, you must highlight the pricing of your products and inform the potential buyers that you are offering the best deal. For instance, you can mention the original market price of a product and then write the discounted price using a bold font. Test Your Site- Once the website development process is over, you need to check your site for cross browser compatibility. You should also check your website on different monitors to see whether it's fitting different window size perfectly or not. When you consider all these aspects of ecommerce web design, you can design a usable and attractive website. A perfectly designed ecommerce website establishes your brand in the online market and boosts your business.
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