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The 5th stainless steel water pipe and gas pipe conference came to a successful conclusion


On August 26, the 2022 (fifth) stainless steel water and gas pipe conference came to a successful conclusion in Liyang. Li Qiang, executive chairman of Foshan Metal Materials Industry Association (also executive chairman of Sichuan Chuanlian stainless steel industry chamber of Commerce), presided over the opening ceremony.

Nearly 300 government leaders, institutional leaders, entrepreneurs and media figures from all over the country participated in the conference. Huang Fugen, deputy general manager of Guangzhou Mayer, was invited to attend the conference and give a speech. He believed that price war was not a lifesaver between brands. The stainless steel water pipe and gas pipe Market would usher in a new era of increasing demand and a new stage of blooming flowers and full competition. Guangzhou Mayer, as one of the earliest manufacturers in the stainless steel pipe production industry and one of the participating units of the national standard, has always taken "quality, technology and service" as the foundation for the survival and development of enterprises, actively promoted the application and popularization of stainless steel pipes, continued to lead the high-quality development of the industry, worked together with peers to realize resource sharing and complementary advantages, and made the market "cake" of stainless steel pipes bigger and bigger, Join hands to make new efforts for the popularization and application of stainless steel pipes and the high-quality development of the water supply industry! In addition, Mayer won the title of leading brand at the 2022 stainless steel water pipe and gas pipe conference, and president Huang took the certificate on behalf of the company.

Ma Wenhuan, vice president of Metallurgical Industry Press, delivered a speech and looked forward to the role of stainless steel water pipes and gas pipes in China's new urbanization construction. Ma Wenhuan emphasized that with the development of China's manufacturing industry and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the steel industry has entered a new stage of high-quality development. Because stainless steel has the characteristics of high strength, high corrosion resistance, beauty, and recyclable products, the demand for stainless steel products in the whole society is increasing, and stainless steel products are more and more widely used. With the original intention of focusing on the people, many local governments have issued guiding, encouraging and guiding policy documents on the upgrading and transformation of stainless steel pipes in urban water supply and gas supply systems, which will greatly promote the expansion of the application of stainless steel in urban infrastructure.

Xiao Bangguo, vice president of the metallurgical industry planning and Research Institute, made an analysis of the development trend of China's stainless steel industry in the new stage, introducing that the technology, equipment, application and scale of China's steel industry and stainless steel industry are leading the world in an all-round way. The export volume of high-end steel has exceeded the import volume, and the innovation power is strong. President Xiao pointed out the rapid expansion of new application fields such as stainless steel water pipes and gas pipes, predicted the substantial growth trend of stainless steel production and sales in China, and proposed green development evaluation and other relevant promotion measures.

The scale of production and sales of stainless steel water pipes and gas pipes has increased by dozens of times. The pragmatic effect of helping people continuously pursue the desire for a better life and the clear and tangible sense of gain have been and are widely spread to thousands of households, East and West urban and rural residents, and residents in the north and south. The application and popularization of stainless steel water pipes, gas pipes and stainless steel pipes will take this Liyang conference as an accelerated gas station in a new stage of high-quality expansion of market demand in the future.

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