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Experts from Shanghai Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences visit our company!


On the afternoon of September 16, Professor Zhao Quanzhong from the Shanghai Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and his party visited Guangzhou Mayer Co., Ltd. for a visit and guidance. Xu Lidi, General Manager of Guangzhou Mayer, Lin Jinhe, Assistant to General Manager of Technology Department, Mo Shaowen, Assistant to General Manager of Production Department, and relevant department supervisors and engineers of the company conducted cordial and friendly exchanges with the visiting guests.


The two parties conducted in-depth discussions on stainless steel welded pipes, pipe fittings welding technology, project research and development, product testing and other aspects, and fully exchanged opinions. Through understanding and in-depth communication at the production site, Professor Zhao fully affirmed and recognized Mayer's business philosophy, management model, product quality, and scientific research strength. 

When visiting the site, Professor Zhao pointed out some problems in the production and put forward many suggestions for improvement. He also agreed to provide Meiya support in technical cooperation, personnel training, and project development in the future. Both parties agreed to use their respective resources and brand advantages to broaden the field of scientific research cooperation and jointly develop and promote new welding technologies, production process optimization, and automation equipment. Both parties believe that through increased cooperation, there will be great achievements in the future.


Professor Zhao and his party came to our company to conduct exchanges and guidance. In recent years, the company has strengthened the integration of production, education and research, and actively advocated strengthening technical exchanges and cooperation with universities, colleges and scientific research institutes, promoting enterprise technology upgrading, and increasing the depth and breadth of industry-university-research integration. Important move.

Guangzhou Mayer strives to build a good platform for cooperation between scientific research institutions and enterprises, and makes full use of the power of universities and research institutes to promote the company's technology upgrades, process upgrades and product upgrades, and further promote the company's production and operation to a stage of high-quality development.

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