Stainless steel elbow specification size table
Recently, I found that many friends are looking for the specification and size information of stainless steel elbows on the Internet. Zhitong has compiled the relevant knowledge of elbows and hopes to be helpful to everyone. Elbow specification size table Nominal diameter outer diameter (MM) distance from center to end theoretical weight KG/PCS---FP5S10S20S40S80S203/425 20.7-------25132 33.425500.0550.0960.110.110.153211/438 42.232640. 069 0.0750.102 0.1320.14 0.150.158 0.170.20 0.2364011/245 48.338760.12 0.130.18 0.1860.2 0.210.22 0.240.3 0.3350257 60.3511020.17 0.1760.297 0.3080.787 0.3960.42 0.440.6 0.6166521/273 76.1641280.35 0.3640.53 0.5460.64 0.6550.89 0.911.0 1.2980389761520.4860.7290.9721.361.949031/2101.6891780. 114.31022040.90 0.941.2 1.41.7 1.8762.56 2.774.0 4.131255133 141.3 139.71272541.8 2.022.1 2.373.2 3.494.0 4.46.5 6.981506159 168.3 165.21523042.6 2.93.1 3.44.8 5.06.8 7.110.3 11.02008219 216.32034066.25 5.07.0 6.811.08 10.714.1 13.522 2125010273 267.325450810.08 9.711.2 10.017.6 16.024.6 23.044.8 40.030012325 323.9 318.530561014.816.723.33764.535014377 355.635671119.1 15.622 19.538 3448.6 42.680.0 74.040018426 406.440681229.0 26.535 3057.0 49.967 62149.0 135.050020529 5085081016-----550225595591118-----Specification table 2 The distance from the center to the end surface of the diameter outer diameter (MM) Theoretical weight KG/PCSDNODFB5S10S20S40 S80S120S151/218 21.338160.04 0.050.05 0.060.059 0.0630.06 0.080.08 0.10203/425 26.7380.06 0.060.07 0.080.08 0.090.09 0.100.13 0.1325132 33.438160.08 0.080.12 0.130.13 0.1350.14 0.140 .18 0.19321.1/438 42.248200.11 0.130.18 0.210.21 0.240.23 0.260.31 0.35401.1/245 48.357240.16 0.170.26 0.280.30 0.320.33 0.350.44 0.4850257 60.376320.28 0.290.45 0.470 .59 0.610.62 0.660.95 0.90652.1/273 76.195400.55 0.570.80 0.830.96 1.11.25 1.311.72 1.8080389114470.801. 114.3152631.31 1.391.01 2.032 .65 2.873.54 3.765.13 5.466.27 6.681255133 141.3 139.7190792.68 2.82 2.873.24 3.45 3.414.81 5.12 5.066.16 6.54 6.478.71 9.25 9.1411.3 12.0 11.91506159 168.3 165.2229953.85 4.10 4.034.69 4.96 4.876.97 7.38 7.249.56 10.1 9.9514.4 15.3 15.018.6 19.8 19.42008219 216.33051267.15 7.059.65 9.5316.1 15.920.4 20.131.0 30.543.1 42.525010273 267.438112813.7 13.216.7 16.325.8 24.636.2 35.457.2 56.279. 7 77.630012325 323.9 318.545718923.0 22.6 22.326.1 26.0 25.536.1 36.0 35.355.7 55.5 56.195.2 94.8 92.7133 133 13235014377 355.653322130.8 29.036.9 34.760.2 56.783.1 78.2147 138202 18940016426 406.461025341.8 39.947.7 45.578.0 74.3122 116211 201280 26745018478 457.268628452.9 50.560.3 57.783017.7 83.8175 167.783017.7 287422 40350020529 50876231674.2 71.384.9 81.5146 140242 232414 398577 5525502255983834786.398.816930769460024630 610914379122 118141 137209 202379 367657 638951 9186502666099141031570028720 7111067442371 3667503076211434732142612