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Sanitary stainless steel pipe polishing method-introduction to electrolytic polishing

by:Mayer     2021-08-20
Sanitary stainless steel pipe polishing method-electropolishing introduction The electrolytic polishing of sanitary stainless steel pipe is one of the methods to remove oxide scale. Compared with chemical pickling, the method of electrolytic descaling has many significant advantages; metal loss is less, electrolysis The speed of the process is faster, and a higher quality surface can be obtained. There are two known methods of applying direct current electrolysis to treat steel parts:   1) Cathodic method, which is often used to remove the oxide scale on the surface of carbon steel;    Electrolytic polishing-cathode method:    The essence of the cathodic method is to immerse in an acidic electrolyte. Metal is used as the cathode. When the current is turned on, the basic process that takes place on the cathode is hydrogen ion discharge. Although the conductivity of the oxide film is very poor, there are quite a lot of small holes in it, and the current is led to the surface of the base metal through these small holes to discharge hydrogen ions. Atomic hydrogen reduces the insoluble high-valent iron oxides (Fe2O3 or Fe3O4) to low-priced (FeO) and is easily soluble in acid, while the generated molecular hydrogen penetrates under the oxide skin and makes it loose and peeling. 2) Anode method, Mainly used to remove oxide scale on the surface of stainless steel. Electrolytic polishing—anode method The basic process of anode method is the electrolytic dissolution of metal, the oxidation of low-order oxides into higher-order oxides and the precipitation of gaseous oxygen, the oxide film on stainless steel and the base metal are strongly combined, thus making the electrolyte It is difficult to penetrate. When electrolyzing stainless steel by the anode method, an acid solution with better conductivity or an acidified solution of salt can be used as the electrolyte. 'The conductivity of the electrolyte' The conductivity of the solution is determined by its concentration. Conductivity generally increases as the concentration of the electrolyte increases, so the number of ions transferred at the time increases. However, this increase only continued to a certain solution concentration, and the factors that reduced the conductivity began to appear in the future.  The factor that reduces the conductivity   reduces the speed of ion movement due to the inhibitory effect of the ion charge interaction.   Increases the viscosity of the solution due to the increase in concentration, which also increases the resistance of ion movement; and reduces its speed.  The dissociation degree of the electrolyte decreases due to the increase in concentration.
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