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Exam 70-515 Skills and Requirements

by:Mayer     2020-09-17
Requirements for Exam 70-515 Minimum 2-3 years experience of creating and organizing Web-based applications with the help of Visual Studio and Microsoft ASP.NET. Experience of Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 4 programming languages like C# and Microsoft Visual Basic. Minimum one year experience of data management with the help of Microsoft ADO.NET and LINQ, Internet Information Server, ASP.NET MVC, and Windows Communication Foundation services. Skills You Gain The exam 70-515 provides you knowledge and expertise to carry out following tasks in the IT sector: Creating Web Forms Pages (19 percent) This objective includes abilities to: - Configure Web Forms pages. This objective may come with page directives like ViewState, request support, event support, but it does not teach you how to indicate a master page or put in a title to a Web form. - Execute master pages and themes. This objective may comprise but is not restricted to: developing and implementing themes; putting in numerous content placeholders; fitting and managing master pages; control skins; changing texts between master pages; modifying themes and adding themes at run time; implementing a legalization scheme. It does not comprise: designing a master page; fundamental content pages. - Implement globalization. This objective can comprise but is not restricted to: CurrentCulture, ASP:Localize, resource and browser files. - Manage page life cycle actions. This objective can comprise but is not restricted to: IsPostback, IsValid, vigorously developing controls, control accessibility in the page life cycle, handle control features on postback, superseding page actions - Execute and manage caching. This objective can comprise but is not restricted to: caching of data, page output and control output; cache reliance; managing cache duration; switch control. However, it does not comprise: dispersed caching (Velocity). - Administer state. This objective can comprise but is not restricted to: server-side skills (like session and application); client-side tools (like cookies and ViewState); configuring and constricting session state; persevering info through ViewState; constricting and altering ViewState Build and Executing Web Forms Controls (18 percent) This objective includes abilities to: - Corroborate consumer input. This objective can comprise but is not restricted to: client side, server side, and using AJAX; practice corroboration controls; regex corroboration; corroboration groups; datatype verification; jQuery corroboration. However, it does not comprise: RangeValidator. - Organizing page layout. This objective can comprise but is not restricted to: linked Control ID; Web components; navigation controls and File Upload controls. However, it does not comprise: label; placeholder, panel controls; CSS, HTML, referencing CSS files, inlining - Manage and Arrange user controls. This objective can comprise but is not restricted to: control listing; user control addition and reference; user control loading; custom actions and features; managing toolbox visibility. - Manage and Arrange server controls. This objective can comprise but is not restricted to: compound controls, INamingContainer, server control addition to toolbox, universal assembly cache, developing custom control actions, worldwide listing from web.config; Type Converters. However, it does not comprise: postback statistics manager, custom databound and templated control. - Operate and Modify user interface controls using code-behind. This objective can comprise but is not restricted to: HTML encoding to shun cross-site scripting, managing the control hierarchy; FindControl; URL encoding. However, it does not contain: Visibility, Text, permitted properties.
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