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End Caps Are The Perfect Home For The Best Dollar

by:Mayer     2020-09-19
End caps should be considered as the golden display space in your store. Most shoppers will take special note of the items offered on end caps. When the items are properly chosen for placement on end caps they will immediately draw extra purchases. Properly utilizing the end caps in your store will help add immediate sales to the coffers of your dollar store business. Those few extra sales from each of your end caps can add up quickly. In this article I present 4 examples of the types of items which will sell quickly when properly chosen and displayed on the end caps of your dollar store business. Use end caps to display special purchases of the routine dollar store merchandise you always have available in your store. Purchase larger quantities of these for display. Another option is to offer lower pricing on these items to your shoppers. This can be done when the dollar store merchandise you routinely offer was purchased from your supplier at lower than normal pricing. Use end caps to highlight holiday or seasonal products. Proper placement of newly-arrived seasonal merchandise will quickly create instant sales. This is also a great way to telegraph the good news that the holiday merchandise has arrived. Shoppers who decide not to purchase immediately will remember and return to examine all of the available items when their holiday buying time arrives. Use end caps to display hot-selling products you purchased in larger quantities. Create a buzz by using a prominent end cap for products which have already proven to be popular with your shoppers. Expect the proven sellers on the end cap to sell down quickly. However the buzz will get out as shoppers find these in-demand products in your store. End caps are the perfect location to spotlight those super one-time dollar store merchandise wholesale deals you periodically find. In most cases the products will sell out quickly. The good news for your dollar store business is that as these items sell the profits are also adding up! Proper end cap management includes leveraging extra sales dollars for your dollar store business. Be sure your strategy includes not only the selection of items for placement on end caps, but also a plan for the rotation of items displayed to keep shoppers eagerly looking for what new products you have added. While this does take a bit of work, the extra sales can really mount up for your business.
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