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Avoiding Problems With Steel Pipe Networks

by:Mayer     2020-10-12
Steel pipe networks, both small and large, are essential to many industrial applications. Regardless, however, of whether a pipe network has been established for several years, or whether it is either newly built or in its planning stages, there are some important factors that must be taken into account in order to avoid potential leaks and other breakdowns. Firstly, the type of steel used in the construction of the pipes, connecting flanges, and any other pipe fittings must be impervious to whatever chemicals, pressures or temperatures are inside the pipes, as well as those that are found in the external environment. Attention should not only be directed towards the obvious hazards such as corrosive chemicals, but also towards the seemingly innocuous, such as the nearby presence of sea water (chlorides in the atmosphere generated from sea water can lead to the almost imperceptible but insidious destruction of standard carbon steel pipes). In many cases it may be necessary to insist that all pipes, pipe fittings and flanges are made from one of the superior quality stainless steels such as duplex or super duplex. The second consideration is how the pipe network is to be managed over the course of its operational lifetime. Thought should be given, for example, to whether frequent inspection or cleaning is required, with special easily disconnected or diverting pipe flanges possibly needing to be installed to facilitate such regular access. Thirdly, it is important to note that there are different standards for pipe fittings and flanges, so any new or replacement connections should always be checked for compatibility with their counterparts. At ChemiPetro we can advise on all aspects of steel pipe network design and installation for any particular industrial application, and are able to offer a full range of pipes, pipe fittings and flanges made from any appropriate material.
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